How to Play Lagori: The Seven Stones Game – A Complete Guide

Learn the rules of playing Lagori, also known as the Seven Stones game. This popular outdoor game requires agility, strategy, and teamwork. Gather your friends, find an open space, and enjoy playing Lagori to have fun, stay active, and enhance your teamwork skills.

Lagori, also known as the Seven Stones game, is a popular outdoor game played in many countries and states. It is a fun and engaging game that requires agility, strategy, and teamwork. In this article, we will guide you through the complete rules of playing Lagori. Before that, I feel you must know the complete details about the game

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Lagori Game: The Seven Stones Game in Brief

  • The game of Lagori, also known as Seven Stones, is a traditional outdoor game played worldwide.
  • Different regions have varying names for the game, such as Lagori, Seven Stones, Satodi, Lingocha, Pittu, and more.
  • In India, Lagori is played in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana.
  • Regional names in India include Satodi, Lingocha, Pittu, Satoliya, and Pittu Garam.
  • Internationally, the game is played in countries like Bangladesh (Pithu Garam), Nepal (Satoliya or Dabba), Sri Lanka (Satoliya or Gudu Pilla), and Pakistan (Satoliya or Pitthu).
  • Within India, different cities may have distinct names for the game, like Pittu or Pittu Garam in Mumbai, Pittu Garam or Lagori in Hyderabad, and Pittu or Satoliya in Chennai.
  • The essence of the game remains consistent, involving agility, teamwork, and strategy.
  • The gameplay includes knocking down seven stones with a ball and rebuilding the pile while the opposing team tries to tag players.
  • Lagori promotes physical activity and social interaction, enjoyed by generations.
  • The game transcends borders, connecting people through the shared experience of fun and camaraderie.

The objective of the Game Lagori.

The objective of Lagori is to knock down the seven stones placed in a pyramid formation using a ball while defending your own team’s stones.

Number of Players In Lagori or Seven Stones Game

Lagori (Seven Stones Game) can be played by two teams, each consisting of an equal number of players. The ideal number of players in each team is 5, but it can vary depending on the available space and the preferences of the players.

All Rules of Lagori Game – The Seven Stones Game

Lagori, also known as Lingocha or Pithu has the following Rule that a player needs to follow while playing the game with the team.


1. Formation of Teams

Lagori is played between two teams, each consisting of an equal number of players. The teams stand facing each other, with a safe zone in the middle.

2. Starting the Game

The game begins with one team throwing the ball at the pile of stones (this team being the attackers), trying to knock them down. The other team defends the pile by catching the ball or touching the opponents. The attackers aim to knock down the stones, while the defenders try to protect them.

3. Knocking Down the Pile

To knock down the pile, the throwing team aims to hit the stones with the ball. If they succeed, they yell “Lagori!” to indicate that the pile has been knocked down.

4. Defending the Pile

The defending team tries to catch the ball thrown by the opponents or touch them before they can knock down the pile. If they succeed, the throwing team loses a point.

The attackers throw a ball at the pyramid of stones, attempting to knock them down. If a stone is knocked down, the defenders must try to rebuild the pyramid while the attackers retrieve the ball.

5. Rescuing Teammates

If a player from the defending team is touched by the opponents, they are considered out. However, their teammates can rescue them by touching them without being touched themselves.

6. Safe Zone

The safe zone is a designated area in the middle where players can take refuge to avoid being touched. Players can only stay in the safe zone for a limited time before they must return to the game.

7. Scoring

Points are awarded based on the number of times the pile is knocked down by the throwing team. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

While the defenders are rebuilding the pyramid, the attackers can tag them. If a defender is tagged, they are out of the game until their team successfully rebuilds the pyramid. The roles of attackers and defenders switch after a certain number of rounds or when all the stones have been knocked down.

Winning the Game

The team that successfully knocks down all the stones and rebuilds its own pyramid without being tagged wins the game. If both teams are unable to complete the objective within a specified time, the game is considered a draw.

Terminology Used During the Lagori GamePlay

1. Lagori

When the pile of stones is knocked down by the throwing team, they yell “Lagori!” to indicate their success.

2. Dabbi

Dabbi refers to the pile of stones that the throwing team aims to knock down. It is usually made up of 7 to 9 flat stones.

3. Out

A player from the defending team is considered out if they are touched by the opponents. They must leave the playing area until they are rescued by their teammates.

4. Rescue

Rescue refers to the act of a teammate touching an outplayer to bring them back into the game. The rescued player can rejoin the game without any penalties.

5. Safe Zone

The safe zone is a designated area in the middle where players can seek refuge to avoid being touched. They can only stay in the safe zone for a limited time before they must return to the game.

6. Touch

To touch an opponent means to make physical contact with them. The defending team aims to touch the opponents to prevent them from knocking down the pile.

7. Point

Points are awarded to the throwing team each time they successfully knock down the pile. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.


RegionKnocking down seven stones with a ball and rebuilding the pile; the Opposing team tags players while rebuilding.
India (States)Maharashtra: Satodi, Karnataka: Lingocha or Pithu, Tamil Nadu: Pittu or Satoliya, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana: Pittu Garam
International (Countries)Bangladesh: Pithu Garam, Nepal: Satoliya or Dabba, Sri Lanka: Satoliya or Gudu Pilla, Pakistan: Satoliya or Pitthu
Cities (India)Mumbai: Pittu or Pittu Garam, Hyderabad: Pittu Garam or Lagori, Chennai: Pittu or Satoliya
Gameplay ElementsKnocking down seven stones with a ball and rebuilding the pile; Opposing team tags players while rebuilding.
Core AttributesRequires agility, teamwork, and strategy.
Cultural ImpactEnjoyed by generations, promoting physical activity and social interaction.
Universal AppealRegardless of regional names, the joy of playing transcends borders, connecting people through fun and camaraderie.

So gather your friends, find an open space, and enjoy playing Lagori – the Seven Stones game. It’s a fantastic way to have fun, stay active, and enhance your teamwork skills. More information on wikihow.